Sunday, April 19, 2020

Still Standing. Right Here.

Brain cancer is...

...still standing.  Right here.

What's so special about the photo, above?  Masks?  Sure.  The fact that we have posted so many pictures from this spot with family and friends?  Oh yes.  And also:  We were standing in this same spot for the first picture we ever posted in this blog.  (Here's the 2/5/16 post.)

You bet when we took the picture today we stood still and asked ourselves some questions.  First, we laughed:  "Who knew we'd ever be taking a selfie from this spot wearing masks?"  And then we got a little more serious:  "Who knew we'd be taking selfies from this spot...more than four years later?"

Although these four years held our darkest days, they have also held many of the happiest times of our lives.   Masks or no masks.  We're still standing.  Right here.

Today's View:

Today's Bloom:


  1. So so grateful to be still standing with you. Prugs to and from Team D! xoxo

  2. Still, Christine. Thank you for EVERY SINGLE second you've spent on Team D. (And thanks all you quieter members of Team D.) You're all the reason we can keep smiling.
