Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Accelerated Acclimation Schedule

Brain cancer is...

...weed whacking.

Team D, didn't we agree that some time for acclimating to the altitude was called for?  Darrell agreed, and yet we were weed whacking by 9 a.m. today. Ha ha. Let's call that an accelerated acclimation schedule.

Darrell did, in his defense, allow us to call it quits before we were exhausted.  By 1:30, he was enjoying steak and and a glass of chardonnay by the lake.

Next we wandered the village (masked) and then  headed back to the moth-free cabin.  The jays and woodpeckers are here, enjoying seed on our newly done deck railings.

Also, today we celebrate Zach and Summer, whose anniversary it is.  Zach and Summer met as undergrads, lived with us upon graduation while they earned their master's degrees, were there in the hospital for Darrell's GBM stay, were on the front lines with us in those tough early days, and then had the gall to leave us two years later, after they wedded and launched their solo lives in grad school and teaching in Colorado.  They are having a great day, and we can't wait to share a celebratory meal together someday again soon.  We love you and celebrate you, Zach and Summer.

July 1, 2018

Here's a link to a 2-minute slideshow* of some of the Yoast Guillaume adventures, starting the day of their engagement. 

Today has been a great day!

*Fun tech note:  We used the free tool, Microsoft Photos, to create the video.  Then we uploaded it to YouTube to share. Photo credit:  The one wedding photo is by Christine.

Today’s Blooms
We caught these lovelies before the work began.  First we snapped them, then we whacked them. Sorry. Any plant over four inches had to be taken down to a fire-safe inch or two.


  1. Congratulations, Zach and Summer! Here's to many, many more beautiful years! Prugs! xoxo

  2. We passed on your love, Christine! Thanks.
