Monday, June 8, 2020

Celebrating with Steps

Brain cancer is...

...celebrating with steps.  

Since you're only supposed to do strength training every other day (to allow muscles to heal), we try on the off day to do a longer walk (Our last milestone was 5,500 miles here).  

You can see that today the iPhone indicates we walked over 6 miles (13,118 step and 135 minutes) at Yorba Regional Park today.  The other picture above shows we are smiling and getting along together toward the end of the walk.  Who knows why?

Hope you get along with you exercise buddy too, Team D. 

Andi's Addition

Today we used our steps to celebrate Darrell's 4 year, 4 month (52-month) cancerversay.  We'll keep on walking!

We also celebrate that Nova is 8 months old today.  Here's a 50-second video by Tiana that brings a little joy to the world.

Alternate YouTube Link

Of course the belly laugh is perfect.  We also love that she keeps looking at her Grammy Moira as if to say, "Is this guy for real?" 

Today's Blooms

Matilija Poppies Still Going Strong


  1. Happy 52-month cancerversary, Dr. Darrell! What a great way to celebrate!

  2. Thanks for celebrating every step with us!
