Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Entering the Post-Siberian Railway Era via Fitbit

Brain cancer is...

 ...proud to introduce our new Fitbit tracker.

A couple days ago our Fitbit tracker just died.  At first we were sad because, as is so often the case, the technology changed and we needed to move on to a new model (above).  But then Christine pointed out that the former Fitbit saw us faithfully through many miles.  Good point.  That got us thinking:

Exactly what did our last Fitbit accomplish?  We logged in and saw this:

Without us realizing it, in June our Fitbit had taken us the length of the Trans Siberian Railway:  5,772 miles.  Since Darrell's diagnosis, we have walked the distance from Moscow to Vladivostok.  Here's a map of our route (link).  Nice job, little tracker!  Your work here is finished. 

In retrospect, though, we feel a little under prepared to walk across Russia.

We know what some of you are wondering:  Is it just coincidence that Andi is reading War and Peace right now, given that Tsar Alexander III planned and built the railway?  No and yes.  War and Peace was set several decades before the Alexander III got going on the railway.  However,  Alexander I of War and Peace was indeed Alexander III's great grand uncle.  Not that interesting?

Others are wondering, "Well, Darrell and Andi, which milestone will you likely accomplish next with your new Fitbit?"  We wondered that too!  Our next badge is the diameter of the earth:  7,900 miles.  Now that's interesting!

Let's keep on moving, Team D!

30-Second Vacation

Sunrise over Colorado, by Summer
Today's Bloom

Thistle (?) somewhere in or near Wyoming, by Christine

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