Friday, September 18, 2020

Bigger Smiles on Bonus Day

 Brain cancer is...

...smiling with our parents today.

Because we scheduled to be at the cabin, it was instead Bonus Parents Day.  Smiles were bigger all around today.

What's the news on the fires, you ask?

The El Dorado fire, the one keeping us from the mountains, is about 66% contained.  And the whole state seems to just keep burning.  My phone went off with an evacuation alert just when we were spotting this fire:

Eeep.  It was near Glendora, but neither parent was threatened, and we didn't hear news of damage or injury.

Please avoid spontaneous combustion this weekend, Team D!

(Darrell says spontaneous combustion is real.  LuAnn agrees.  I, instead, continue to believe in science.)

Today's Bloom
Sweet little carpet rose, greeting the day and sending us on our way:


1 comment:

  1. Just like dead whales that spontaneously combust on Mexican beaches....not
