Tuesday, September 15, 2020

When the Consolation Prize Is Better than Whatever Would Have Been

 Brain cancer is...

 ...hanging with Alex and Nova.

Today our plan was to have Andi enjoy the long awaited birthday coffee with Ruth and Hallie and then we would head up the mountain for a long cabin stay.  We were to stop by and kiss Nova on our way to Fawnskin.

The birthday coffee did happen with much reminiscing and laughter. (Thanks for hosting, Hallie!)
But the cabin stay is not yet to be.  Given the El Dorado fire, officials want roads clear of traffic in case evacuation of mountain towns becomes necessary.

It meant that we had the whole afternoon and evening with Alex and Nova.
Nova is emerging as a calm, happy, and social little person.  She made lots of friends at The State, Darrell and Alex's favorite (patio) restaurant.  

We haven't been to The State in six months; it was our last meal out with Alex and Nova (and LuAnn) before COVID.  Also Nova came with us to The State when she was five days old.  (Here's that post.)  How you've changed, little girl!

Maybe it's a good time to mention that today I did my first "little kid hair," as our kids never wore pigtails or braids.  

Nova seemed to be okay with G'Mama's first pigtails. 

Let's close with the famous Nova Point.  

Happy Tuesday, Friends!

Today's Blooms

Joining "Colorado Sky" roses are the new kids in town.

Photo Credits:  Coffee party photo by Bert.  Selfies by Alex.


  1. With no AC at the cabin it was actually a little stifling waiting for the wind to switch back at night to be able to open the windows/go outside. Putting on hold will have it’s rewards in another way too!

    Love the pigtails!
