Thursday, September 3, 2020

"Do You Have Power?"

 Brain cancer is...

 ...loving humor!

What humor are we loving?  Sorry, but you've got to read the whole post.  
We're transitioning back to non-Room 240 life here.  It starts with the fruit:
It would be embarrassing to eat berries without a flavor enhancing embellishment.  But you probably knew that.  Just a little Thai basil makes the dish that much nicer.
We saw our first turtle in a while at the park today.

I can't get much closer before they slip back into the water.

By the way, the hot walk had Darrell pushing his Optune arrays to new limits.  Against the advice of his wife, Darrell waited until the arrays looked like some weird bonnet before we changed them.

Really Darrell?

Okay, now, to the title of this post:

After our walk today, we headed to Lazy Dog/Islands (they are next door to each other) for our Vacation Taper Lunch.  Both were closed because of a power outage.  

I picked up the phone and called nearby BJ's.  

I asked "Hi!  Do you have power?" 

My question was met with a confused silence.  

So I elaborated, "Not like to change the universe or anything."

"Oh!" came the response, "You mean electricity."  

We all laughed out loud.  Once we figured out the ambiguity of my question, the BJ's person said,  "I get paid hourly.  I don't know that I have all that much power."

Maybe not, but the restaurant did have electricity, and Darrell and I laughed all the way through lunch (top photo, above).

We hope you had all the power you desired today, Team D!

Today's Bloom

A Wisconsin wildflower from Meridyth.  I thought maybe a pentsemon, but this US Wildflower site doesn't have them growing in Wisconsin.  Other ideas?


  1. Darrell, you have the coolest hats. I am assuming that is not how the arrays are supposed to look, but a good illustration of when to change! We are looking forward to getting Optune on TUESDAY!

  2. See LuAnn, you're already a pro! You already know EXACTLY what the arrays should not look like. You've got this. Very exciting! We can't wait to hear how start up goes. We'll be cheering from California.
