Tuesday, August 25, 2020

And this Concludes August Cancer Course!

 Brain cancer is...


Above you see Darrell in Dr. Park's waiting room today before his last August appointment.  Dr. Park agrees:  The scan is clear.  Yesss.  This concludes August Cancer Course 2020.

We scheduled a December appointment with Dr. Park, barring any changes to Darrell's health. Dr. Park prefers an in-office visit then.  What do you see when you put on your goggles of the future, Team D?

Will in-office visits be the new thing?

Jammie Bottom Evidence

For those of you who request evidence in order to believe that teachers really wear jammie bottoms to work, thumbs up to YOU (Ryan) for putting your faith in evidence.

Here's how Tuesday's class looked for me:

And it's not just me.  Here's Christine's choice of jammie bottoms for class today:

Another silver lining of this "blended" or "hybrid" approach to wardrobe selection?  It's really easy to get ready to celebrate the end of Cancer Course and Birthday Month Day 25.

You just put on new bottoms and go.  Hey wait a minute, Christine.  Did you just go to Islands in your jammie bottoms?  Thanks for raising the wardrobe bar!

Today's Bloom

Do crickets eat roses?


  1. I was a student of Darrell's and graduated from CSULA in 2011. I am so glad to hear the news about his cancer. I wish you all the best into the future as well.

    1. How wonderful to hear from you, says Darrell, CSULA grad! Thanks so much for sharing in his good news and health. Wishing the best for YOU and the difference make in this world!

    2. I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for Darrell. He was the one that helped me transfer from a senior physics student at Cal State San Bernardino to a mechanical engineer student at CSULA. He showed me that I had potential in thermodynamics when I took his heat transfer class. He made the subject so easy to digest and enjoyable it was like taking a Bob Ross painting class. When the economy went south in 2009 he took me into the manufacturing option so that I would have more opportunities once I graduated. I am able to live a comfortable life because of the generosity and knowledge that Darrell shared with me. If there is anything that Darrell needs please share it here and I will not hesitate to help.

    3. Hi Ryan! Many thanks for taking the time to tell your story. You have Darrell smiling about the Bob Ross painting class. He says thermodynamics is easier than landscape painting (still funny, you see). Your story resonates with others that former students have shared: Darrell's career might have ended a few years sooner than anticipated, but he made enough influence for a lifetime. Really, thank you.

  2. Hmmmm?... perhaps it is now COVID-approved to go to Islands in your jammie bottoms. Who knows! Nevertheless, happy Birthday Month Day 25 and Happy end of cancer course, August edition. xoxo

  3. Always a trailblazer, Christine! Upon reflection, in COVID world, no one cares what you wear on the bottom. It's kind of an improvement over the Before Days, we say. Thanks for showing us the way, even through they weren't really jammies!
