Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Beginning The Next Round of Cancer Course

Readers note:  Darrell's still at the keyboard today.

Brain cancer is...

...starting the next round.

This is Birthday Month Celebration Day Five.  It also the beginning of Cancer Course.  I had my blood drawn today at 7:00 am.  They will stop you from having an MRI if certain levels are too low. (Andi's note:  They check Darrell's blood to see that his kidneys are in good shape to process the dye in the contrast.)

Above, I am swimming upstream from the parrots.  It a metaphor.

(Andi's side note:  Next up in cancer course is the scan, in two weeks.)

Where's the celebration in THAT?  Well, at least the blood draw went fine.  Then my wife treated me to a Starbucks breakfast on the patio.

AND we ended a long day with a Birthday Zoom party with Brady and Linda.

Hey wait a minute!  It's August and we're still zooming? 

Party on, Team D!

Today's Bloom

Checking in on the birthday roses. 
Party on, Birthday Roses!

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